副教授 硕士研究生导师 (材料学)
1999.9-2003.7 燕山大学 0638太阳集团官网 无机非金属材料系 工学学士
2003.9-2009.6 燕山大学 亚稳材料制备技术与科学国家重点实验室 工学博士
2009.8至今 太阳集团www0638 0638太阳集团官网 材料科学与工程系
2013.6-2013.8 北京计算科学研究中心 访问学者
2013.11-2014.11 纽约州立大学 访问学者
1. 新型轻元素亚稳/超硬材料的设计与合成
2. 金属陶瓷的合成及性能研究
Synthesis of Semimetallic BC3.3N with Orthorhombic Structure at High Pressure and Temperature, Crystal Growth & Design, 2008, 8, 7, 2096-2100, link
First-principle calculation on structures and properties of diamond-like B3C10N3 compound, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2009, 481, 855-857, link
Crystallization of an amorphous B-C-N precursor with a Li-B-N catalyst at high pressures and temperatures, Materials Characterization, 2009, 60, 11, 1411-1414, link
First-principle studies of structural and electronic properties of layered B3C10N3, Computational Materials Science, 2010, 47, 621-624, link
Study on Raman Spectroscopy and Purification of B-C-N Compound. METALL MATER TRANS A, 2011, 42, 9, 2527-2529, link
Study on Electronic Properties of Single-Walled B3C10N3 Nanotubes by First Principle Calculations, Integrated Ferroelectrics, 135, 1, 2012, 17-21, link
Study on Structure and Electronic Properties of Single-Walled B4C4 Nanotubes, Integrated Ferroelectrics, 145, 1, 2013, 165-169, link
First-principle calculations on the structural and electronic properties of hard C11N4, Physica B: Condensed Matter, 449, 2014, 90-94, link
Nitrogen oxides under pressure stability, ionization, polymerization, and superconductivity, Scientific Reports 5, 16311 (2015),link1 link2
Controllable deposition of titanium dioxides onto carbon nanotubes in aqueous solutions, 2017,link
Synthesis and Characterization of “Ravine-Like” BCN Compounds with High Capacitance,Materials 2018, 11(2), 209 LINK, LINK-ABSTRACT
Green Synthesis of Boron Carbonitride with High Capacitance,Materials 2018, 11(3), 387 LINK-ABSTRACT
Synthesis and Characterization of CNT/TiO2/ZnO Composites with High Photocatalytic Performance,Catalysts, 2018, LINK-abstract
Preparation of TiO2/Carbon Nanotubes/Reduced Graphene Oxide Composites with Enhanced Photocatalytic Activity for the Degradation of Rhodamine B,Nanomaterials 2018,Link-Abstract
Facile Fabrication of Nanoporous BCN with Excellent Charge/Discharge Cycle Stability for High-performance Supercapacitors, Materials Letters, 2019, Link-Fulltext
Improved Photodegradation Performance of Zinc Oxide/Carbon Nanotubes/Reduced Graphene Oxide Composites,Fullerenes, Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures,2019,Link-fulltext
1. 太阳集团www0638高层次人才科研启动项目(主持)2009-2011
2. 亚稳材料制备技术与科学国家重点实验开放课题(主持)2011-2012
3. 中央高校基本科研业务费“国家自然科学基金培育计划”(主持)2012-2014
4. 福建省自然科学基金(主持)2013-2015
5. 福建省教育厅科技项目(主持)2013-2015
6. 国家自然科学基金(青年)(主持)(2015-2018)
7. 太阳集团www0638中青年教师科技创新资助计划(主持)(2015-2019)
8. 福建省高校杰出青年科研人才培育计划(2016)
通讯地址:福建省厦门市集美区集美大道668号 0638太阳集团官网
1. 材料模拟软件 Materials Studio
2. 粒子群优化算法晶体结构预测软件 CALYPSO
3. 从头量子力学分子动力学计算的软件包 VASP
4. 电子结构计算及材料模拟软件QE(PWSCF)&赝势
5. 声子谱计算软件 Phonopy
6. 晶体结构预测软件MUSE
7. 结构预测软件USPEX & USPEX utilities
8. 晶体学开放数据库COD
9. 美国矿物学晶体结构数据库AMCSD
10. PAW database及 Pseudopotentials
11. Materials Project
12. 原子体积及熔点
13 常见键长及键能 & Bond valence parameters
14. 晶体结构可视化 VESTA
15.STM4 (安装指南)
17.EOS状态方程 carleton
18.矿物Raman & XRD及化学结构数据 RRUFF
20.Band Structure for vasp (BS4VASP)
21.空间群(Space Group Symbols)
22. ABACUS (Atomic-orbtial Based Ab-initio Computation at UStc)
23. The Open Quantum Materials Database (OQMD)
更新时间:2019年5月27日 (新个人主页)